广州龙湖揽境 景观设计 / 山水比德

广州龙湖揽境 景观设计 / 山水比德

广州龙湖揽境 景观设计 / 山水比德

广州龙湖揽境 景观设计 / 山水比德


广州龙湖揽境 景观设计 / 山水比德


In the process of urbanization, a high-density urban environment has been brought, and residents’ needs for public green space activity space cannot be met. The project is located in the Changling Residence section of Huangpu District in Guangzhou. It is a green, ecological and livable new urban area. The design combines TOD with a very futuristic development model.

广州龙湖揽境 景观设计 / 山水比德

广州龙湖揽境 景观设计 / 山水比德


In the project display area, we start from the “secret realm under the horizon”, and explore the narrative of space through the connection with “light”. Now, we bring a park-like slow-life community to residents through the landscape scenes of outdoor mutual integration and people-to-people interaction, and connecting scenes with reasonable traffic flow lines.

01 // 慢休闲  LEISURE
「越过光影 穿入丛林 偶遇水上花园」


Cross the light and shadow in the bustling city, walk through the jungle, and walk into the secret realm of the summer city. The breeze flows freely around, as if living in a holiday garden.

广州龙湖揽境 景观设计 / 山水比德

广州龙湖揽境 景观设计 / 山水比德

广州龙湖揽境 景观设计 / 山水比德


Using water as a link to guide pedestrians to the entrance. Walking by the water on the way home, the light and shadow move on the water waves, and then fall from the three-dimensional space.

广州龙湖揽境 景观设计 / 山水比德

广州龙湖揽境 景观设计 / 山水比德

广州龙湖揽境 景观设计 / 山水比德

广州龙湖揽境 景观设计 / 山水比德


The swimming pool is combined with the main entrance to form the core landscape area. The rich layers of green plants create a multi-level viewing atmosphere, and the platform and the swimming pool are combined to create a private space.

广州龙湖揽境 景观设计 / 山水比德

广州龙湖揽境 景观设计 / 山水比德

广州龙湖揽境 景观设计 / 山水比德

广州龙湖揽境 景观设计 / 山水比德


Isolate the hustle and bustle of the city, return to the beautiful tranquility in nature, let the impetuous heart settle down, and feel the relaxation from the inside out.

广州龙湖揽境 景观设计 / 山水比德

广州龙湖揽境 景观设计 / 山水比德

02 // 慢社交  SOCIAL
「置身画境 栖居自然 平衡空间尺度」


The lawn creates an appropriate sense of distance between the spaces, like a large green carpet in front of the living room. Lying on the lawn, baked by the warm sun, occupying every square inch of your heart.

广州龙湖揽境 景观设计 / 山水比德

广州龙湖揽境 景观设计 / 山水比德

广州龙湖揽境 景观设计 / 山水比德

广州龙湖揽境 景观设计 / 山水比德

广州龙湖揽境 景观设计 / 山水比德


The glass box space introduces the outdoor landscape into the interior, and the interior and exterior are integrated with each other. By balancing the tension between the scale of the space and the plasticity of the site, the box space is integrated with nature and breathes between nature.

广州龙湖揽境 景观设计 / 山水比德

广州龙湖揽境 景观设计 / 山水比德

广州龙湖揽境 景观设计 / 山水比德


The living room full of green vitality provides community residents with a variety of social places for leisure and relaxation, and enjoys a leisurely life with the temperament of an artist and a completely laid-back mood. Spaces connect residents’ communities, environments, and people to each other.

广州龙湖揽境 景观设计 / 山水比德

广州龙湖揽境 景观设计 / 山水比德

03 // 慢成长  GROWTH
「快乐无界 捕捉日光 放任童心肆掠」


The mountains and forests stop at the boundary of the paradise, and the undulating terrain and the interspersed blocks release children’s nature without restraint. The three-dimensional changing venue space can meet the diverse needs of children’s activities.

广州龙湖揽境 景观设计 / 山水比德

广州龙湖揽境 景观设计 / 山水比德

广州龙湖揽境 景观设计 / 山水比德


Various facilities grow up, adapt to the characteristics of the environment, and there are countless changes, allowing children to run and climb freely on it.

广州龙湖揽境 景观设计 / 山水比德

广州龙湖揽境 景观设计 / 山水比德

广州龙湖揽境 景观设计 / 山水比德

04 // 慢生活  LIFE
「寻找惬意 聆听自我 感受生活禅意」


The sunset is waiting for the evening, and the people who are waiting for the evening to return home live in the holiday garden and feel the slow life of healing.

广州龙湖揽境 景观设计 / 山水比德

广州龙湖揽境 景观设计 / 山水比德

广州龙湖揽境 景观设计 / 山水比德


Roaming the trails, enjoying the mountains and rivers, feeling the clouds and clouds, enjoying the nature and tranquility before returning home, slowing down and feeling every inch of time, enjoying the pure beauty in life, returning home is returning to nature.

广州龙湖揽境 景观设计 / 山水比德

广州龙湖揽境 景观设计 / 山水比德

广州龙湖揽境 景观设计 / 山水比德

广州龙湖揽境 景观设计 / 山水比德


Despite the hustle and bustle of the city, people always want to live in a quiet and comfortable place. Choosing a slow life is to find the relaxation of the heart in the moment.

广州龙湖揽境 景观设计 / 山水比德

广州龙湖揽境 景观设计 / 山水比德

广州龙湖揽境 景观设计 / 山水比德



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上一篇 2022-09-30 11:42
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