云南万科公园城市超级示范区 室内设计 / PONE普利策

有趣的不是「岛屿」和「峡谷」 本身
在他们「背后」和 「之间」狭缝的万妙
What is intriguing is not the「island」or the「canyon」
But the amazing things

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叶虫 从远古进化出最原始的伪装

Leaf insects wearing the most primitive camouflage
evolved from ancient times
Demonstrate what can be called perfect defense
Their true nature are covered possibly
In answer to the call of the wildness for survival

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Nobility and power
Hand wrought brass
Moist golden glows of the primordial metal
All so warm and bright

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The sunlight,penetrating through the chlorophyll
Falls onto the earth
Creating rich and deep「darkness」
That shelters thriving life
And makes the 「undertone」 of the forest

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过滤出灰度 化为「低调的斑斓」
幽暗与茂密 繁浩丰沛
Through tree shades, the sunlight
Passes, much less dazzling
Into a concealed
Dark and thick forest of diversity and abundance

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微妙平衡  幼态持续
The flux and density of life are released
To reach a delicate balance for neoteny

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阳光 给万物印上金色的光泽
Sunlight, the golden sheen to everything

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VANKE 万科公园城市超级示范区

The 15th Conference of the Parties (COP15) to the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity will be held in Yunnan Province, China in May 2021. Representatives from nearly 200 countries and regions will gather in Kunming to jointly promote the harmonious coexistence between man and nature and build a shared community for all life on Earth.

云南万科以「生物多样性展览馆」之名,于昆明丰富的肌理中以城市文脉生长反哺商脉潜力,塑造全新公共核心和城市封面:万科公园城市VANKE PARK CITY,滇池国际社区城市会客厅,一个全新的超级示范区,揭开生物有序之谜。

In the name of “Museum of Biodiversity”, VANKE Yunnan intends to reciprocate the commercial potential of the city by nurturing cultural growth in the rich urban context of Kunming, and create a new public core and urban front cover: VANKE PARK CITY, making it an urban parlor of the Dianchi International Community, a new super demonstration area, and a answer to the mystery of biological order.


The Project site sits amidst the lush urban green veins in the city of Kunming. Adjacent to Dianchi lakeside landscape belt, rich north-south water systems, Baoxiang River Cultural Belt,Wujiatang Wetland Park, Haihe Green Belt and Wujiaba Central Park, it gathers all forms of ecological energies and boasts prominent resource advantages of world-class city clusters.

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01 隐喻峡谷 暗藏森林 the canyon a hidden forest

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负空间 Negative Space

The negative space is the critical gap between objects, i.e., the outlined space between entities when they are hollowed out. It is characterized by elements with unclear facets, which are deconstructed into multiple segments, discretely wandering and transmitting hidden information.

正空间则是一个被限定的空间,被包裹在一个建造好的用来定义和容纳它的外壳内。负型获得的多重拓值,复合出来的负值产生有趣的空间关系。「负」 潜存随机扩展,或散焦或缺失。负是感知的间隙,隐匿的边缘,于背后和之间的狭缝获得的体验铺陈。

The positive space, on the other hand, is a confined space, enveloped by a shell built to define and hold it. The negative space has multiple extension values, and when integrated, they can create interesting spatial relationships. The negative can be expanded randomly, either defocused or missing. It denotes the gap in perception, the edge of the hidden which can be thoroughly and profoundly experienced in these narrow gaps behind and between.

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云南万科公园城市超级示范区 室内设计 /  PONE普利策

峡谷之态 Form of Canyon
侵蚀 残缺 风化
剩余的负值 隐喻峡谷 暗藏森林
微光深处 外在的柔软与内在的丰盈 转化为峡谷之态
定义了前厅 限制和归纳划分出空间不同方向的维度
放弃对称性 定义内能 和对原始生命渗透流的野性回归
透过洞穴 峡谷背后
暗示隐藏的黑夜萤火 部落 雨林 涌泉 沼泽 岛屿……
就像森林诗庭 匿着丰盈繁茂

Erosion, fragment, negative value of weathered residual are metaphors of canyons and hidden forest. Deep in the glowing light, the outer softness and inner fullness are transformed into the form of a canyon. With a lobby, space is confined and divided into dimensions in different directions. When symmetry is abandoned, internal energy is defined and wildness in primal life returns. Through the caves, behind the canyon are amazing things hidden, the night firefights, tribes, rainforest, fountain, marsh and island… Just like a poetic forest courtyard breeding life’s abundance.

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02 迎接 reception

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金色流沙 The Golden Quicksand

The reception desk is a combination of three pieces of raw stones weighing 6 tons with solid brass. The earth grey of the raw stone creates a contrast with the golden texture of the brass. The hand wrought brass fully brings out the moist golden glows from the primordial metal, taking on aclassic, warm and bright look, the true color of the mineral.


Stone surface is polished and washed, and carved with water waves, thus softening and liquefying its solid mass. Warmth and moisture released from the solid volume dissolve into the space, presenting a dramatic subtle contrast.

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均衡 细腻 漫流的质态
The flowing golden quicksand
Creates the digital background of the reception
balanced, delicate, and flowing
With an anti-geocentric upward motion

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03 岛屿 狭缝  island  narrow gap

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隐藏在峡谷里的岛屿边界 与谷壁之间
夹集了许多 夹缝 洞口 细长而蜿蜒
光 分子 气流 尘埃 幼态持续
循环 渗透 离散出

Hidden in the gap between islands and canyon walls
Are many thin and long cracks and openings that meander
Light, molecule, air flow, dust, and neoteny
Sustain within the negative space
Circulating, permeating, and dispersing into
A Boltzmann Distribution Law-based micro-ecosystem

狭缝 于正负之间
试图 用负值 获得比正值的阔值
在原始的自然科学 物理学 生物学与空间的哲学中 找到关联
以空间的「解构性」和「抽象性」 构序「超现实的界面」

The gap between positive and negative Tries to attain the positive value with the negative one. We try to find connections in the primitive philosophies of natural science, physics, biology and space and construct a 「surreal interface」 through the「deconstruction」 and「abstraction」of spaces to reveal the poetic wildness of nature.

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Biodiversity, in essence, is not a natural phenomenon, but the extinction,evolution and iteration of all things in the ecosystem: survival or extinction, adaptation or non-adaptation. The law of natural selection and survival of the fittest become metaphorical field of the space.


The exhibition sequence is deconstructed, allowing the interior and exterior circulations to offer natural experience of beauty through a sense of free roaming. The opening and enclosing of interface generate visual interaction, leading to random behavior analysis and enabling potential information communication and reception for individualized perception.

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云南万科公园城市超级示范区 室内设计 /  PONE普利策

04 岛屿  island

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植物岛 / PLANT
从新出渐长 到森林四季的诞生

The cyclical imprint of time
Records the growth of young seedlings into lush forest
Diverse and heterogeneous
All struggle for energy to survive

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岛屿的定义 Definition of Island

The island is a physical structure subject to the natural forces of energy and motion and a log of the evolution and adaptation of all things, both obvious and hidden. Its uncertainty lies in the survival of the fittest in the long process of evolution, and the paradox of individual change and collective evolution.


The extinction of species constitutes the reality and illusion of existence. The evolution of species is the reappearance of Darwinian’sevolutionary puzzle and the exploration into the natural reflection and physical boundary of the real world.

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The island features a ring-in-ring layout, evoking thoughts on eco-cycle through the inner ring path for chatting and an outer one for science exhibition. The island is open.It is an island of science education, both functionally and ideologically. F1 exhibition hall connects the circulations of the entire floor via three islands: Seed Island, Insect Island and Plant Island, facilitating functional organization and freeing up walking spaces for the public.

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云南万科公园城市超级示范区 室内设计 /  PONE普利策


Little creatures living in the dense forest
A tribe of the most diverse groups in the forest
Thrive out of balanced nature
Colorful/fragile/dependent and independent

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云南万科公园城市超级示范区 室内设计 /  PONE普利策

匿于潮湿的植被温床  汲取甘露和养分
结束休眠 扎根入土壤缝隙

Wandering in forest, seeds
Fly with pollen
Hide in the moist bed of plants for dew and nutrients
And root into the soil cracks once awakened
This is the beginning of life

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05 部落  tribe

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云南万科公园城市超级示范区 室内设计 /  PONE普利策
部落 Tribe


The urban parlor, a tribe in the forest, is intended for social interactions between civilized groups. The semi-enclosed stairway progresses by floor, staggered along the mountain side in arc and straight lines. Bean pods, like the buds of plants, climb up along the hill, indicating the beginning of new life.


The form of the space satisfies a variety of functional needs. Movable seats allow users to create their own temporary spaces as needed for anintense brainstorming, or a quiet moment alone for contemplation. It is not only a space for lectures or forums, but also a cultural tribe of rich knowledge, and a community for communication, interaction, sharing and gathering.

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06 中央诗庭  central poem pavilion

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中央诗庭  Central Poem Pavilion


In the core of the Museum of Bio-diversity, the epidermal texture, made of wood chips and seed arrays, grows upward and penetrates through F1 and F2, a circular theater. It embraces the circular-screen theatre on F1 and the internal firefly courtyard on F2, and at the same time, constitutes the interior of the seed museum. Along the perimeter, a science wall is planned to communicate biodiversity. The wall is comprised of 3,600 pieces of wood and 2,500 sealed seed samples, a huge storage of information energy. The vertical space encloses the organic sequence of life, meaning the progressive and cyclic extension of ecology like tree rings. The central poem pavilion stands like atree of life rooted in the park city.

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繁衍的信使  物种的下一代

The messenger of life
the species of the next generation
Sunlight melt in the forest
Organic increment for sustainable ecology

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07 森林苍穹  boundless forest

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森林苍穹  Boundless Forest


On top of the irregular and polygonal building base, the prototype is dissolved and deconstructed by hollowing out free and random spheres, softening and reorganizing the spaces into a boundless forest. A spiritual space is created, where the sharp contrast between the tiny individuals and the boundless  sky triggers respect for nature and reverence for life.


The design takes the absence of “presence” as the starting point of thinking, and proceeds with the destruction of symbolic identity, the impossible perfect match between the signifier and the signified, and the subversion of structural centrality as the meaning chain of difference for the deduction and development of spatial logics. The opening in the sky defines “being” as “presence”, and the primary presence breaks the original unitary order, thus giving rise to new meanings.

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08 花蕾  flower buds

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花蕾 Flower Buds

一朵被花瓣层层包裹的花蕾, 模拟仿生花芽发育到接近于开花时的瞬间,向外突破被包裹的绽放状态,是绽放前一刻能量储备的定格,瞬间美的张弛和捕捉。建筑空间悬浮挑空延伸出来,展现在悬崖极端环境茁壮出来的生命姿态。

A flower bud tightly wrapped by petals simulates the moment when the bud grows to almost burst into blossom. It is a moment when the bud gathers all the energy for full blooming, and a moment that captures the instantaneous beauty of blooming. The building space is cantilevered to extend outward, portraying the gesture of life that thrives in the extreme environment of cliff.

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云南万科公园城市超级示范区 室内设计 /  PONE普利策

云南万科公园城市超级示范区 室内设计 /  PONE普利策

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云南万科公园城市超级示范区 室内设计 /  PONE普利策

云南万科公园城市超级示范区 室内设计 /  PONE普利策

09 黑夜萤火  fireflies at night

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云南万科公园城市超级示范区 室内设计 /  PONE普利策
黑夜萤火Fireflies at Night


F2 is a meeting space for communication and inspiration. Golden threads of light and shadow, string through shimmering lights like fireflies. Particles are emitted, like dancing eco-particles and souls of life, dynamic and soft, filling the lush poem pavilion with the beauty of living things. Carpets and functional furniture co-exist as if in a natural habitat full of camouflages, creating a coherent and consistent visual landscape.

云南万科公园城市超级示范区 室内设计 /  PONE普利策

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云南万科公园城市超级示范区 室内设计 /  PONE普利策

10 咖啡岛  coffee island

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云南万科公园城市超级示范区 室内设计 /  PONE普利策

11 沼泽湿地  wetland

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云南万科公园城市超级示范区 室内设计 /  PONE普利策

云南万科公园城市超级示范区 室内设计 /  PONE普利策
沼泽湿地 Wetland


The wetland, a community of diverse plants, serves as the natural filter of the forest. It humidifies the climate, purifies the environment, and provides shelter for plants and animals. It is a place for breeding,inhabiting, migration, and survival through winter.


The children’s area simulates the water circulation system of the marshes. Here water can be retained and sent back into the atmosphere through transpiration and evaporation, and children can explore the maze-like wetland channels. The wall displays butterfly specimens, and boxes of the specimens can be rotated at will for children to learn, and the interesting description on graphic panels triggers their curiosity to explore into the secret of nature.

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云南万科公园城市超级示范区 室内设计 /  PONE普利策

12 虚构的墙 fourth wall

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云南万科公园城市超级示范区 室内设计 /  PONE普利策
虚构的墙 Fourth Wall


The rainforest is the habitat for species, and home is the source and place of inner peace. An exhibition space containing four future living space models is designed to show how the park city responds to natural living and returns to nature. Daylight and the fountain inside glass box suggest a fluid and transparent water boundary that separate the inside from the outside. The flowing fountain and the dappled refraction of light and shadow on the space create an imaginary wall. It is intended not to experience separation and independence in the context, but to feel the rooting and ending: ecology and nature, human and life, are at each other’s presence.

云南万科公园城市超级示范区 室内设计 /  PONE普利策

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云南万科公园城市超级示范区 室内设计 /  PONE普利策


Plant wall: The forest with golden thread framework and breathing lamps, creates a dialogue with natural energy, realizing orderly growth in disorder.

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云南万科公园城市超级示范区 室内设计 /  PONE普利策

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云南万科公园城市超级示范区 室内设计 /  PONE普利策
其释放的 信息能 是无序

Why hasn’t everything gone extinct
All living creatures have an order
Yet the informational energy they release are disordered
That gives rise to wildness

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云南万科公园城市超级示范区 室内设计 /  PONE普利策

万物几何 野性诗意



物种 | 演化的秘密

EARTH 地球之美

地球 | 生命的诞生


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云南万科公园城市超级示范区 室内设计 /  PONE普利策

开发团队:伍家毅 樊宏伟 罗洋瑞 周亚京 洪巧丹 唐丽丽 赵丽丽
设计内容:策划 空间 软装 装置
设计总监:何思玮 梁穗明
主案设计:刘嘉莉 张康华 华月柳 江键韵 曾哲
空间设计:湛廷力 陈若怡 李宇璇 吕一鸣 李思明 李倩婷 陶万宇
软装设计:黄一玲 何璐 黄文玥 刘亚平 陈国明 邓梓俊
项目统筹:伍圆圆 叶茵文
空间摄影:吴鉴泉 肖恩 何思玮 黄一玲 拾壹
Project Name: Vanke Part City
Developer: Yunnan Vanke
Project team: Wu Jia Yi, Fan Hongwei, Luo Yangrui, Zhou Ya Jing, Hong Qiaodan, Tang Lili , Zhao Lili
Interior Design: PONE Architecture
Design content: Planning design, Interior design, Soft decoration
Design Director: Golden Ho, Ming Leung
Main Design: Carrie Liu, Kanghua Zhang,Leyla Hua, Nicole Jiang, Zenne Ze
Design team: Tingli Zhan,Ruoyi Chan, Yuxuan Li,Yiming Lv,  Siming Li,Qianting Li, Wanyu Tao
Soft decoration: Candice Huang, Layla He,WenyueHuang, YapingLiu ,GallonChan,Zijun Deng
Project Manager: Miki Wu Ye, Craz Ye
Design Planning: Jiaqian Leung
Photography: Vincent Wu, Xiaoen, Golden Ho, Candice Huang, Shi Yi
Film production: Tong Li


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上一篇 2021-01-26 16:41
下一篇 2021-01-27 16:15


