后院 Rareyard Village “木工博物馆” 工坊改造 / CCDI卝智设计

后院 Rareyard Village  “木工博物馆” 工坊改造  /  CCDI卝智设计

作为北京民宿品牌“后院 Rareyard Village”的主要公共活动空间,工坊早在2017年就经历了它的第一次改造。4年来,它见证了后院一路的扩建与成长,也逐渐成为了连接后院各个功能空间的核心枢纽。

As the main public activity space of the Beijing homestay brand “Rareyard Village”, the workshop underwent its first transformation as early as 2017. Over the past 4 years, it has witnessed the expansion and growth of the Rareyard Village all the way, and has gradually become the core hub connecting the various functional spaces of the homestay.


However, with the advent of the post-epidemic era, suburban amusements have become the growth point of tourism in major cities in China, and consumers’ positioning of homestays has also undergone some cognitive shifts. The function of homestays is definitely not just to provide a place to relax.


The pursuit of the ultimate “labeling” of vision and function, the pursuit of the fuzzy “elsewhere” of the sense of consumption, and the pursuit of multiple “merged senses” of rural and urban experiences make the functional definition of the workshop take into account the multiple requirements of operation , and pay more attention to the “cohesive force” brought by the spatial form.

从前的木工博物馆 |2017年一次改造
Former Woodworking Museum |The first renovation in 2017


At the end of 2017, the second Courtyard Villa in the backyard was just completed. In order to have a venue for multi person activities and meetings, the original wood processing factory was transformed.

Analysis of the first renovation of the workshop
后院 Rareyard Village  “木工博物馆” 工坊改造  /  CCDI卝智设计


In this renovation, only a half-height brick wall was added to the west side of the space for the background of the meeting scene; the roof of the adjacent bungalow was also used as a leisure platform for moon-gazing and star-gazing. The two spaces are connected by a steel-framed staircase, which becomes the main activity venue for the entire homestay.

▼2017年工坊第一次改造图 Photos of the first renovation of the workshop in 2017
后院 Rareyard Village  “木工博物馆” 工坊改造  /  CCDI卝智设计

后院 Rareyard Village  “木工博物馆” 工坊改造  /  CCDI卝智设计


The space design follows the principle of repairing the old as the old, and retains its temperament as a wood processing factory to the greatest extent. The overall design is based on the theme of “Woodworking Museum”. The once abandoned woodworking lathes have been reused and made into bar counters and tables; the rest of the belt sanders and line planers have also been preserved and become part of the permanent exhibition.

▼2017年改造图/车床细节等 Details of the lathe
后院 Rareyard Village  “木工博物馆” 工坊改造  /  CCDI卝智设计

现在的多功能小酒吧 | 2021年二次改造
Today’s multifunctional small bar | The second renovation in 2021


In the following four years, with the workshop as the core, the rareyard factory warehouse, evening sunset guestroom, butler’s dormitory and office were successively completed. With the continuous growth of the number of receptionists, the homestay also has new requirements for the function of the main activity space.

▼工坊核心枢纽分析图 Analysis of the workshop core hub
后院 Rareyard Village  “木工博物馆” 工坊改造  /  CCDI卝智设计


In addition, in the actual operation, we found that as the only public reception area in the venue, it seems difficult for the workshop to allow customers to stay for a long time, let alone achieve the important “aggregation” state of the northern courtyard.

▼二次改造后的工坊空间 Workshop space after the second renovation
后院 Rareyard Village  “木工博物馆” 工坊改造  /  CCDI卝智设计

后院 Rareyard Village  “木工博物馆” 工坊改造  /  CCDI卝智设计


After repeated deliberation in combination with the operation situation, we redefine the function of the workshop, hoping that it can be freely switched between different scenes such as restaurants, bars and conferences, with both entertainment attributes and conference functions; in addition, in terms of space atmosphere, design needs to be cohesive and friendly.

▼二次改造后的工坊空间 Workshop space after the second renovation
后院 Rareyard Village  “木工博物馆” 工坊改造  /  CCDI卝智设计

后院 Rareyard Village  “木工博物馆” 工坊改造  /  CCDI卝智设计

Comprehensive service line


The first thing that needs to be solved in the renovation is the complex traffic lines, so that the spaces can be connected in series without interfering with each other. We re-established a high wall under the second beam on the west side, and together with the half-height low wall in the original space, a grey space with two passages was formed.

Analysis diagram of the second renovation of the workshop
后院 Rareyard Village  “木工博物馆” 工坊改造  /  CCDI卝智设计


The corridor leads to the guest room factory warehouse, the butler’s dormitory and the star-gazing platform on the second floor to the north; the south side of the corridor is connected to the main road in the courtyard, which can lead to the guest room at dusk and the logistics office; The lower part of the steel-framed staircase is also used as the setting for the entrance of the guest room. The small gray space has been cleverly used and integrated to become the traffic artery of the entire plot.

▼走廊/夕暮入口 corridor
后院 Rareyard Village  “木工博物馆” 工坊改造  /  CCDI卝智设计

Promoting “gathering” in form


The interior renovation of the workshop focused on the north and west walls. As the first main visual of entering the workshop, the design divides 4 continuous arches according to the beam-column structure of the existing space, and emphasizes the outline with light strips.

▼工坊北面拱形分析 Analysis of the arch on the north side of the workshop
后院 Rareyard Village  “木工博物馆” 工坊改造  /  CCDI卝智设计


The two arches in the middle, together with the bar and hanger in front, form the bar area, which is also the visual center of gravity of the entire space. The steel beams in the space are emphasized with green paint, balancing the otherwise monotonous colors in the space.

▼南侧看吧台区域 South side view of the bar area

后院 Rareyard Village  “木工博物馆” 工坊改造  /  CCDI卝智设计

后院 Rareyard Village  “木工博物馆” 工坊改造  /  CCDI卝智设计

▼南侧看吧台墙面拱圈细节 South side view of the bar area
后院 Rareyard Village  “木工博物馆” 工坊改造  /  CCDI卝智设计


The sofa area is set on the west side of the space, and the original sofa is used together with the fireplace bookshelf to create a scene of night conversation around the fireplace. Since this wall also has the function of a conference background wall, we kept the integrity of the upper part of the wall and arranged the glass bricks randomly, so that the light from the corridor behind will pass through to increase the transparency of the wall.

▼西侧围炉区域The fire area on the west side
后院 Rareyard Village  “木工博物馆” 工坊改造  /  CCDI卝智设计

后院 Rareyard Village  “木工博物馆” 工坊改造  /  CCDI卝智设计


The entire wall on the east side is covered with folding chairs of different colors, which not only solves the problem of storing redundant furniture in different modes, but also decorates the wall skillfully. The back wall of the folding chair is a hand-painted mural. After the chair is removed, it is completely exposed. With the theme of green plants, together with other green plants in the space, it creates a comfortable space atmosphere for relatives.

▼工坊东侧墙面The east side wall of the workshop
后院 Rareyard Village  “木工博物馆” 工坊改造  /  CCDI卝智设计

后院 Rareyard Village  “木工博物馆” 工坊改造  /  CCDI卝智设计

Functional Iteration from an Operational Perspective


From the first renovation of the woodworking museum to this upgrade, the workshop has achieved an overall transformation from the “cold feeling” brought by the original industrial style to “aggregation” and “friendship”. And from the spatial function, it has completed the multi-mode, multi-scene, multi-functional team building site optimization required as the main entertainment venue in the rareyard.

▼工坊空间使用模式分析Analysis of workshop space usage pattern
后院 Rareyard Village  “木工博物馆” 工坊改造  /  CCDI卝智设计


The workshop after the second transformation has been given the possibility of more activity space. In addition to the daily bar mode, with the flexible table and chair placement, it also has a banquet mode and different conference modes, which can get rid of venue restrictions and switch between multiple scenes freely. At the same time, it can meet the aggregation behavior of different groups of large, medium and small within 60 people.

Demonstration of different modes of workshop space
后院 Rareyard Village  “木工博物馆” 工坊改造  /  CCDI卝智设计

后院 Rareyard Village  “木工博物馆” 工坊改造  /  CCDI卝智设计

以运营反推设计、再通过设计为运营赋能,工坊二次改造在后院团建民宿的概念基础上塑造更多元、更强体验和符合年轻人休闲玩乐的聚合空间:MINI BAR、宴会餐厅、咖啡厅、观影室……这些多变场景作为从运营维度思考落地的设计实践,不仅填补完善了后院民宿居住功能之外的共享社交属性,也从更深层次上为来后院的人们延展了更多“相聚”的可能。

Reverse design from operations, and then empower operations through design. This renovation builds on the concept of team-building homestays to create a more diverse, stronger experience and aggregation space suitable for young people’s leisure and play: MINI BAR, banquet restaurant, coffee shop, movie room… As a design practice that considers and implements from the operational dimension, these changeable scenarios not only improve the shared social attributes beyond the living function of the rareyard homestay, but also extend the possibility of “gathering” for people who come to the rareyard.

项目名称 后院 Rareyard Village “木工博物馆” 工坊改造
项目类型 民宿改造项目
设计团队 CCDI悉地国际 卝智室内设计中心
公司网站 www.ccdi.com.cn
联系邮箱 GWdesign@yeah.net

项目设计 & 竣工时间 2021.11/2021.12
室内主创及设计团队 室内主持设计:李秩宇
项目地址 北京市/昌平区
设计面积 220m²
摄影团队 鲁飞,任恩彬
酒管团队 后院 Rareyard Village 精品民宿
室内主要用材 红砖、不锈钢板、水磨石瓷砖、水曲柳实木板材

Checklist Content
Project name Workshop Renovation in Rareyard Village
Interior design unit CCDI Beijing Interior Design Center
Website www.ccdi.com.cn
Contact e-mail GWdesign@yeah.net

Design year & Completion Year 2021.11/2021.12
Interior design team Leader designer: Li Zhiyu
Team: Zeng Huifan, Du Jinlai, Gong Lei
Project location Changping district, Beijing
Design area 220m²
Photo credits Lu Fei, Ren Enbin
Owner unit Rareyard Village
Materials used in the project Red brick, stainless steel plate, terrazzo tile, ash wood plate


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