唯品会总部大厦 建筑设计 / gmp

唯品会总部大厦 建筑设计 /  gmp
落日余晖下的大厦远景 © CreatAR Images


After a construction period of four years, the new headquarters of the vip.com online corporation in the Guangzhou metropolis in southern China was handed over. The office complex, developed by gmp von Gerkan, Marg and Partners Architects (gmp), consists of an office landscape in horizontal layers for the different functions stacked on a plinth. Two slender towers rising up from the plinth structure add a strong vertical accent. 

唯品会总部大厦 建筑设计 /  gmp
街景视角 © CreatAR Images


vip.com is one of the three largest e-commerce corporations in China. The new headquarters of the continually growing corporation is located in the so-called Internet Innovation Zone of Guangzhou’s Pazhou District, an island in the Pearl River to the south-east of the city center. This area, which is connected to the Kanton Trade Exhibition precinct, has been specially designated as a new commercial and service area for internet companies, featuring also leisure facilities. In 2016, gmp had won the international competition and was then commissioned with the project.

唯品会总部大厦 建筑设计 /  gmp
屋顶露台 © CreatAR Images

唯品会总部大厦 建筑设计 /  gmp
屋顶露台的无边际泳池 © CreatAR Images


vip.com’s company culture is characterized by dynamism and flat hierarchies. In terms of architecture, this calls for large flexible areas that can be used in a variety of ways and modified very quickly, thus allowing for different forms of office organization. Contrary to the urban design brief, which called for separate high-rise buildings on the three plots separated by roads, the gmp concept for the company headquarters was for a horizontally layered office landscape. A ten-story plinth connects all three building plots of the angular site, straddling the respective roads. On this basis, the overall volume and the arrangement of the vertical circulation systems were developed with the aim of creating a maximum of office spaces with attractive views across the river and city. 

唯品会总部大厦 建筑设计 /  gmp
交汇楼层 © CreatAR Images


The different functional areas of the building are visually layered, separated by vertical incisions and floors with special functions appearing as joints. The first of these incisions at the fourth building level marks the interface between external and internal functions. It serves as a meeting space for guests and employees and includes a conference center, exhibition areas, and gastronomic facilities. Wide staircases from a public platform in front of the building, facing the Pearl River, connect it to the riverbank as well as to the park to the east. The two slender towers, measuring 135.5 meters and 172.5 meters in height, rise from the building plinth and house more offices as well as the administration and the management.

唯品会总部大厦 建筑设计 /  gmp
入口门厅 © CreatAR Images

唯品会总部大厦 建筑设计 /  gmp
办公层之间的楼梯设计 © CreatAR Images

唯品会总部大厦 建筑设计 /  gmp
带有阶梯座位的中庭设计 © CreatAR Images


The office zones for the different company teams are accommodated in the horizontal plinth building, featuring spacious floor areas which can be flexibly adapted to changing requirements. Natural ventilation at the workplaces is made possible via openable windows. Multistory foyers and large stairwells between the floors create a vertical link between the office areas and can also be used for lectures and multi-team conventions. Each office floor is equipped with kitchenettes, sleeping pods, a library, and fitness facilities as places for informal employee get-togethers. In their breaks and after work, employees and guests of vip.com can enjoy a view across the Pearl River from the large roof terrace on the plinth, which features an infinity pool, a basketball court, and a barbecue area exclusively for members of staff and guests.

唯品会总部大厦 建筑设计 /  gmp
日落环境下幕墙灯光效果 © CreatAR Images

唯品会总部大厦 建筑设计 /  gmp
大堂空间 © CreatAR Images


The deliberately plain, horizontally-structured facades with floor-to-ceiling glazing give the office complex a unified appearance, which means that the headquarters can be recognized from afar and identified as the new address of the vip.com online corporation. The horizontal layering is emphasized at night when lighting strips integrated in the facade profiles light up the building.

唯品会总部大厦 建筑设计 /  gmp
江畔鸟瞰 © CreatAR Images

唯品会总部大厦 建筑设计 /  gmp
总平面图 © gmp Architekten

唯品会总部大厦 建筑设计 /  gmp
城市设计初步要求/水平向的空间布局/最终确定建筑体块 © gmp Architekten

唯品会总部大厦 建筑设计 /  gmp
剖面图 © gmp Architekten

唯品会总部大厦 建筑设计 /  gmp
首层平面图 © gmp Architekten

唯品会总部大厦 建筑设计 /  gmp
7层平面图, 标准办公层 © gmp Architekten

唯品会总部大厦 建筑设计 /  gmp
12层平面图,带露台空间 © gmp Architekten

唯品会总部大厦 建筑设计 /  gmp
23至26层平面图 © gmp Architekten

设计竞赛:2016 年一等奖
竞赛阶段项目负责人:Clemens Kampermann
竞赛阶段设计团队:Jan Peter Deml,Thomas Muncke,Dimitri Philippe,Burkhard Pick,Anastasiya Vitusevych,Thilo Zehme,张吟,Katarzyna Zaczek
实施阶段项目负责人:Clemens Kampermann
实施阶段代理负责人:Tobias Keyl
实施阶段设计团队:Andreas Götze,何多舒,Astrid Jahncke,Karolina Korona,刘叙达,Giuseppe Malfona,Simone Matthey de L’Endroit,毛安德,潘昕,Dimitri Philippe,Andrea Pisanu,Kristin Schoyerer,汤子泓,Alberto Vallejo,曾雅涵,张起意,张吟,韦志林
景观设计:Rehwaldt Landschaftsarchitekten; 深圳市龙易凤园林景观设计有限公司
灯光设计:Schlotfeldt Licht; 北京大观格瑞照明设计有限公司
Competition 2016–1st Prize
Design Meinhard von Gerkan and Stephan Schütz with Nicolas Pomränke
Competition Lead Clemens Kampermann
Competition Team Jan Peter Deml, Thomas Muncke, Dimitri Philippe, Burkhard Pick, Anastasiya Vitusevych, Thilo Zehme, Yin Zhang, Katarzyna Zaczek
Project Lead Detailed Design Clemens Kampermann
Deputy Project Lead Detailed Design Tobias Keyl
Detailed Design Team Andreas Götze, He Duoshu, Astrid Jahncke, Karolina Korona, Xuda Liu, Giuseppe Malfona, Simone Matthey de L’Endroit, Andreas Maue, Pan Xin, Dimitri Philippe, Andrea Pisanu, Kristin Schoyerer, Tang Zihong, Alberto Vallejo, Zeng Yahan, Zhang Qiyi, Yin Zhang, Wei Zhilin
Project Management in China Xu Ji, Qin Wei
Partner Practice in China Guangzhou Design Institute
Landscape Architecture Rehwaldt Landschaftsarchitekten; Shenzhen LYF Landscape Scenery Design CO.
Lighting Design Schlotfeldt Licht; GD-Lightingdesign
Client vip.com
Total GFA 165,355 m²
GFA above ground 112,795 m²
GFA below ground 52,560 m²


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