上海夜店 NINJA CLUB 室内设计 / 间禾设计

上海夜店 NINJA CLUB 室内设计  /  间禾设计

上海夜店 NINJA CLUB 室内设计  /  间禾设计
近两年,新冠疫情导致全球各行各业遭受打击,娱乐行业更是就此进行了一场优胜劣汰的大洗牌,NINJA CLUB做为一家口碑老牌的HIPHOP的夜店,不仅经受住了这场考验,并且在上海巨鹿路158号开设了第二家门店。巨鹿路158号下沉广场是上海著名的夜生活商业综合体,汇集了众多夜店餐饮品牌。而NINJA在众多喧闹声中,选择了一个隐秘的角落娓娓叙说着自己的忍道。

It has been nearly 2 years when the pandemic starts, which leads to traumatic recession of all walks of life. To the entertainment industry, it’s also a game changing point that only the best can survive. Ninja club, as one of the most established Hip-Pop club in Shanghai, has survived and thrived with its newly open 2nd club in this city located at Found 158. Among all the clubs and bars, in this noisiest night life center of Shanghai, Ninja chooses its own secret corner for its story and tales.

上海夜店 NINJA CLUB 室内设计  /  间禾设计

上海夜店 NINJA CLUB 室内设计  /  间禾设计

上海夜店 NINJA CLUB 室内设计  /  间禾设计

上海夜店 NINJA CLUB 室内设计  /  间禾设计


Through a long, rectangle passway formed by concrete, under the lighting mixed by outside saturated warm one and inner red, your desire of exploration is triggered. Keep walking, and the overwhelmingly red lighting will offer you the escape from reality.

上海夜店 NINJA CLUB 室内设计  /  间禾设计

上海夜店 NINJA CLUB 室内设计  /  间禾设计

上海夜店 NINJA CLUB 室内设计  /  间禾设计

上海夜店 NINJA CLUB 室内设计  /  间禾设计

If you just walk by, you can see the red light twinkles from the windows, as the eyes of geisha behind her fan, staring at all people passing by with endless ambiguity.

上海夜店 NINJA CLUB 室内设计  /  间禾设计

上海夜店 NINJA CLUB 室内设计  /  间禾设计

上海夜店 NINJA CLUB 室内设计  /  间禾设计

上海夜店 NINJA CLUB 室内设计  /  间禾设计


The music grows when you walk along the concrete wall. Here is the dance floor, in the center of which DJ booth stands like a golden castle, shining under the fabulous lighting. Everyone is a dancer, and you also become pilgrims here.

上海夜店 NINJA CLUB 室内设计  /  间禾设计

上海夜店 NINJA CLUB 室内设计  /  间禾设计

上海夜店 NINJA CLUB 室内设计  /  间禾设计

Several vertical tiles are shed on soft glow created by glass on each side of the dance floor. As you dance through under with a glass in your hand, you feel like a ninja walking on the wall, cross all the rooftops of this city.

上海夜店 NINJA CLUB 室内设计  /  间禾设计

上海夜店 NINJA CLUB 室内设计  /  间禾设计

上海夜店 NINJA CLUB 室内设计  /  间禾设计


On the back it’s the rolling stone eaves, under which are sofas for you to rest a little, after the chasing and hunting. Feel free to space out here with breeze though the golden wind bell above you. Finally ninjas can find their own peace of mind now.

上海夜店 NINJA CLUB 室内设计  /  间禾设计

上海夜店 NINJA CLUB 室内设计  /  间禾设计

上海夜店 NINJA CLUB 室内设计  /  间禾设计

上海夜店 NINJA CLUB 室内设计  /  间禾设计

摄影师 :胡凯凡
项目视频:Fixer Studio
Project Location: Shang Hai
Floor Area: 200 square meters
Type of Design: Interior Design for Night club
Construction Group: Xiao Ruan &Zhang Jian
Design Firm: J.H Architecture Studio
Major Designer: Yang Rui
Photographer: Hu Kaifan
Videos: Fixer Studio
Stage Design: Keefer
Time of Completion: May. 2021
Company Website: jh-architecture.net
Email: yang.design@foxmail.com
Materials Used: cements, stainless steels, frosted glass, marbles, mirrors, LED lights and Soil.


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