千灯镇吴家桥村民之家 改造设计 / 反几建筑

千灯镇吴家桥村民之家 改造设计 /  反几建筑

The project is located in Wuqiao village,Qiandeng,Kunshan. The original site is the supply and Marketing Cooperative of Wuqiao village. As a cooperative of the means of production department near the ferry terminal on the East River bank, it is a necessary place for North-South ship trade. Until the beginning of reform and opening up, it witnessed the prosperity of the riverside.


千灯镇吴家桥村民之家 改造设计 /  反几建筑

千灯镇吴家桥村民之家 改造设计 /  反几建筑
桥上一角 @金啸文

Under the tide of new rural construction, the architectural scale of traditional villages has undergone subversive changes, most of which are overturned and rebuilt, breaking the texture of the original traditional villages in the south of the Yangtze River, and also breaking up and reorganizing the production and life of the villagers. The design team hopes to maintain the original scale of the building, resolve the gap between the new and the old after the reconstruction of the original site through the restoration of the order of the public space and the continuation of the historical texture, and rebuild the local cultural memory.


千灯镇吴家桥村民之家 改造设计 /  反几建筑

千灯镇吴家桥村民之家 改造设计 /  反几建筑
延续的白墙红瓦 @直译建筑摄影

千灯镇吴家桥村民之家 改造设计 /  反几建筑
桥上透视 @金啸文

千灯镇吴家桥村民之家 改造设计 /  反几建筑
对岸透视 @直译建筑摄影

千灯镇吴家桥村民之家 改造设计 /  反几建筑
虚实砖墙 @直译建筑摄影

千灯镇吴家桥村民之家 改造设计 /  反几建筑
延续记忆中的长屋檐 @直译建筑摄影

千灯镇吴家桥村民之家 改造设计 /  反几建筑
局部一角 @金啸文

Based on the principle of respecting history and site, the transformation continues the L-shaped layout of the building, does not change the height of the original building, retains the red tile roof with local memory, and endows the building with new internal vitality through the enclosure of spatial functions.

改造以尊重历史及场地的原则出发,延续了建筑的 L 形布局,不改变原建筑高度,保留具有在地记忆的红瓦屋顶,通过空间功能的围合,赋予建筑全新内在的活力。

千灯镇吴家桥村民之家 改造设计 /  反几建筑
吴桥村新貌 @直译建筑摄影

千灯镇吴家桥村民之家 改造设计 /  反几建筑
吴桥村新貌 @直译建筑摄影

The exterior is open and transparent along the river. The South and north sides are residential houses. The facade of the building is relatively closed. The lattice wall is set to divide the internal and external space interfaces, and connect the tea room, village history hall and reception room of the internal space.


千灯镇吴家桥村民之家 改造设计 /  反几建筑

千灯镇吴家桥村民之家 改造设计 /  反几建筑
转角透视 @直译建筑摄影

千灯镇吴家桥村民之家 改造设计 /  反几建筑
北部院墙 @直译建筑摄影

千灯镇吴家桥村民之家 改造设计 /  反几建筑
南部院墙 @直译建筑摄影

The original building adopts steel and wood structure roof truss with white walls and red tiles. The main structure of the building has been damaged due to the age. The main gate is located on the west side, and the north and east sides are relatively closed. The enclosed courtyard on the south side is overgrown with weeds due to the lack of management and protection for a long time. The overall space streamline is not smooth and the facilities are old.

原建筑采用钢木结构屋架,白墙红瓦,因年代久远建筑主体结构已经受损,正门位于西侧, 北侧和东侧相对封闭,南侧围合院落因长期缺乏管护,杂草丛生,整体空间流线不通畅,设施陈旧。

千灯镇吴家桥村民之家 改造设计 /  反几建筑

千灯镇吴家桥村民之家 改造设计 /  反几建筑
村民茶室室内 @怀念树

千灯镇吴家桥村民之家 改造设计 /  反几建筑
展厅室内 @怀念树

千灯镇吴家桥村民之家 改造设计 /  反几建筑
展厅室内 @怀念树

千灯镇吴家桥村民之家 改造设计 /  反几建筑
接待间室内 @怀念树

千灯镇吴家桥村民之家 改造设计 /  反几建筑
接待间室内 @怀念树

In terms of architectural layout, the planar organization of mutual penetration of blocks and courtyards is adopted. Three courtyards are arranged in different functional areas, and a semi open courtyard is designed at the junction of the south wall and the corridor, highlighting the permeability of indoor and outdoor space and introducing the effect of changing scenery step by step.


千灯镇吴家桥村民之家 改造设计 /  反几建筑
从村民茶室看向内院 @金啸文

千灯镇吴家桥村民之家 改造设计 /  反几建筑
从内院看向河边 @金啸文

千灯镇吴家桥村民之家 改造设计 /  反几建筑
从过道看向内院 @金啸文

千灯镇吴家桥村民之家 改造设计 /  反几建筑
从侧入口看向北部围墙外 @直译建筑摄影

千灯镇吴家桥村民之家 改造设计 /  反几建筑
内院 @金啸文

千灯镇吴家桥村民之家 改造设计 /  反几建筑
内院 @金啸文

The Ba Jiao courtyard at the entrance is designed as a relatively outward courtyard, which serves as a landscape space outside the tea room, corridor and wall, playing a guiding and connecting role; The water yard connected with the plantain yard is the main outdoor activity space of the whole building. It faces the village history museum and reception room. Bamboo, Chinese tallow and water lily are planted along the water surface in the yard, and there are sceneries in four seasons; The inner courtyard attached to the reception room is planted with shade loving ferns and Millennium trees, which are small and unique.


千灯镇吴家桥村民之家 改造设计 /  反几建筑
内院乌桕与竹子 @怀念树

千灯镇吴家桥村民之家 改造设计 /  反几建筑
芭蕉 左@金啸文  盆景 右@怀念树

The size and openness of the courtyard make different spaces blend and connect. Walking outside the courtyard, you can vaguely see the landscape inside the courtyard through the lattice brick wall, and people in the courtyard can also vaguely see the pedestrians on the road outside the building through the lattice wall.

院落大小、开放程度的不同,使得不同空间交融且联通,从院外走过,透过花格砖墙隐约能看到院内景观,院子里的人也可以透过花格墙以隐约看到建筑外侧路上的行人, 内外之间产生互动。

千灯镇吴家桥村民之家 改造设计 /  反几建筑
院墙 @直译建筑摄影

千灯镇吴家桥村民之家 改造设计 /  反几建筑
内庭 @怀念树

In order to reflect the harmony between traditional architecture and modern elements, the original triangular wooden frame structure has been improved in structural treatment. By adding beam column system, high windows are made in the space between the roof truss and steel beams, lighting and ventilation are increased, and corridors are added to connect the internal and external spaces. The visual corridor forms a landscape relationship.

为了体现传统建筑与现代元素的和谐感,在结构处理上对原有三角形木架结构做了改进,通过增加梁柱体系,开阔内部空间,在屋架与钢梁之间的空隙做高窗,增加采光和通风,增设廊道连通内外空间, 视觉通廊上形成对景关系。

千灯镇吴家桥村民之家 改造设计 /  反几建筑

千灯镇吴家桥村民之家 改造设计 /  反几建筑

千灯镇吴家桥村民之家 改造设计 /  反几建筑
屋架人视 @金啸文

千灯镇吴家桥村民之家 改造设计 /  反几建筑
屋架鸟瞰 @直译建筑摄影

千灯镇吴家桥村民之家 改造设计 /  反几建筑
屋架光影 @怀念树

千灯镇吴家桥村民之家 改造设计 /  反几建筑
屋架光影 @怀念树

In terms of material treatment, the design team studied a variety of masonry methods of bricks. The traditional hollow brick wall and hollow lattice wall are used for brick wall construction, and the double-layer hollow masonry style is used for the courtyard wall. The steel structure beam column combined with wood structure roof truss is a new form different from the traditional one, forming a dialogue between the new and the old.


千灯镇吴家桥村民之家 改造设计 /  反几建筑
雨链细节 @怀念树

千灯镇吴家桥村民之家 改造设计 /  反几建筑

千灯镇吴家桥村民之家 改造设计 /  反几建筑
院墙细节 @怀念树

Soft decoration is also mainly hand woven, emphasizing natural materials.

千灯镇吴家桥村民之家 改造设计 /  反几建筑
接待室软装 @金啸文

千灯镇吴家桥村民之家 改造设计 /  反几建筑
村民茶室软装 @金啸文

千灯镇吴家桥村民之家 改造设计 /  反几建筑
村民茶室软装 @金啸文

千灯镇吴家桥村民之家 改造设计 /  反几建筑
村民茶室软装 @金啸文

On the basis of preserving the sense of history, this transformation is to realize its transformation in the modern new lifestyle through space renewal, so that the limited space can carry more activities. The riverside courtyard, with white walls and red tiles, echoes the past and future of wujiaqiao.


千灯镇吴家桥村民之家 改造设计 /  反几建筑

千灯镇吴家桥村民之家 改造设计 /  反几建筑

千灯镇吴家桥村民之家 改造设计 /  反几建筑

千灯镇吴家桥村民之家 改造设计 /  反几建筑

设计面积:240 平方米
设计公司:反几建筑 FANAF & 江苏省城镇与乡村规划设计院有限公司

Project title: Reconstruction design of wujiaqiao villager’s home in Qiandeng Town
Project site: Wujiaqiao, Qiandeng Town, Kunshan
Interior area: 240㎡
Proprietor: Kunshan Qiandeng Government
Overall planning: Jiangsu Institute of Urban&Rural Planning and Design Co.,Ltd
Design Guide: Huang Yiheng, Lu Hai, Ge Dayong, He Ping
Renovation: Fan Architectural Firm (FANAF)&Jiangsu Institute of Urban&Rural Planning and Design Co.,Ltd
Project Leader: Zhang Ning
Design team: Wang Lijie, Jin Xin, Cai Shuman, Shi Zhe, Liu Yushan, Li Chunyang
Design scope: architectural design, indoor hard decoration, soft decoration, lighting, VI, art, Landscape design
Structure coordination: Li Liang
Electromechanical cooperation: Ruiwen engineering design (Shanghai) Office
Lighting coordination: CLD yunmu lighting design
Guidance coordination: Nanjing Jidi Art Design Co., Ltd
Construction team: Chen Lianming
Design cycle:2019.08-2019.10
Construction cycle: 2020.12-2021.06
Author: Jin Xin, Cai Shuman, Wen Xin
Photography: Zhi Yi Architectural photography, ingallery Jin Xiaowen, HNS photography


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