宁波保利瑧誉 景观设计 / DDON笛东

宁波保利瑧誉 景观设计 / DDON笛东


In this case, the design language is highly matched with the site gene. The combination of primitive and artificial is also the coexistence of nature and art. This quiet camphor forest is of great significance to the site. It is not only a record of time, but also a kind of emotional memory and spiritual affiliation. Therefore, keep this piece of wood, follow the trend, build belongs to the mark of the site.

宁波保利瑧誉 景观设计 / DDON笛东

宁波保利瑧誉位于宁波蓟州区中兴北路与曙光北路交汇处,周边水网密度 环境优美。独特的地理位置注定项目的不平凡。老江东人对生活品质的执着,都一板一眼的雕琢在老江东那些细密的街巷里。繁华而摩登,紧随潮流,又不失烟火气。

Poly zhen praise is located in ningbo, ningbo thistle obviously by zte north road and shuguang road interchange, the surrounding water channel density The environment is exquisite. The unique geographical location doomed the project to be extraordinary. Old Jiangdong people’s dedication to the quality of life, are carved in the old Jiangdong those fine streets. Prosperous and modern, follow the trend, and do not lose fireworks gas.

▼项目区位 | Location of Project
宁波保利瑧誉 景观设计 / DDON笛东

宁波保利瑧誉 景观设计 / DDON笛东

宁波保利瑧誉 景观设计 / DDON笛东

示范区位于整个地块东南角。古树位于场地临界面 ,有着支配场所的主导性,我们将用怎样的方式呈现他们?场地内香樟林如何保护与利用?而这个问题我们认为最终被置换为:要引导人们以怎样的态度去面当下时代的新生活?经过多轮尝试,最终达成了共识。亲近自然、品鉴艺术,才是给人提供真正“精神支撑”的场所。因此我们最终选择了自然与艺术结合的价值方向,打造一个“融合性”的“艺术感”的示范区定位。

The demonstration area is located in the southeast corner of the whole plot. The ancient trees are located at the critical surface of the site and dominate the site. How will we present them? How to protect and utilize camphor forest in the site? In our opinion, this question is ultimately replaced with: What attitude should we guide people to face the new life in the current era? After many rounds of attempts, a consensus was finally reached. Getting close to nature and appreciating art are the places that provide people with real “spiritual support”. Therefore, we finally chose the value direction of combining nature and art to create a demonstration area positioning of “integration” and “artistic sense”.

宁波保利瑧誉 景观设计 / DDON笛东

宁波保利瑧誉 景观设计 / DDON笛东

幸运的是场地都具备原生的自然禀赋,这样的条件下,”自然” 注定是设计不可规避的基因。场地传达的是自然给予人的感悟,用设计致敬自然、致敬艺术 ;场地内是一处拥有两棵几十颗原生香樟树滨水区域,景观设计是一个顺应自然的设计以利用场地资源解决场地矛盾的过程。

Fortunately, the sites are endowed with natural endowments. Under such conditions, “nature” is destined to be the inescapable gene of design. The site conveys the feeling given by nature, and pays tribute to nature and art with design; Inside the site is a waterfront area with two dozens of original camphor trees. Landscape design is a process of adapting to nature and using site resources to solve site contradictions.

▼整体鸟瞰| Overall bird’s eye view
宁波保利瑧誉 景观设计 / DDON笛东

▼夜幕下的自然与艺术交织呼应 | Nature and art intertwine in the night
宁波保利瑧誉 景观设计 / DDON笛东

▼超级界面延伸至建筑底部,焕然一体| Super interface extension
宁波保利瑧誉 景观设计 / DDON笛东

宁波保利瑧誉 景观设计 / DDON笛东

宁波保利瑧誉 景观设计 / DDON笛东
以香樟为引 赏游入境


It has a natural camphor forest background interface, giving full play to the natural tone. Through the pure white wall, water surface and lawn at the entrance, it forms a super display interface with a fresh and restrained entrance and natural art as the keynote.

▼折叠界面实景|Folding interface real scene
宁波保利瑧誉 景观设计 / DDON笛东

宁波保利瑧誉 景观设计 / DDON笛东

宁波保利瑧誉 景观设计 / DDON笛东

▼丰富的空间层次感|Rich spatial hierarchy
宁波保利瑧誉 景观设计 / DDON笛东

宁波保利瑧誉 景观设计 / DDON笛东

宁波保利瑧誉 景观设计 / DDON笛东


In a native camphor forest against the background, water forest superimposed green, like a swinging freehand art landscape.

宁波保利瑧誉 景观设计 / DDON笛东

▼跌水景墙细节设计LOGO and detail design of scenery wall
宁波保利瑧誉 景观设计 / DDON笛东

我们在临近香樟林一侧设置短暂的停顿,这里不需要太多的笔墨。林间的穿行,是情绪的酝酿,更激发了行驻间的探索欲望。同时针对原生香樟林的特殊设计打造景观焦点 也营造场所的记忆点。

We set a short pause on the side near the camphor forest, where not much ink is needed. Walking through the forest is the brewing of emotions, but also inspires the desire to explore between the lines. At the same time, aiming at the special design of the original camphor forest to create the landscape focus and create the memory point of the site.

▼漫步林间 Walking in the forest
宁波保利瑧誉 景观设计 / DDON笛东

宁波保利瑧誉 景观设计 / DDON笛东

宁波保利瑧誉 景观设计 / DDON笛东


Natural camphor forest with free walking. The original camphor Linlin, they did not cheat the form, even is free and loose. But the force of nature gives this native land more space for imagination. We use the gap of the forest to plan the passage under the forest and feel the fun of walking through.

▼现状保留香樟林 | Now keep the camphor forest
宁波保利瑧誉 景观设计 / DDON笛东

宁波保利瑧誉 景观设计 / DDON笛东

▼林下栈道 | The trestle road under the forest
宁波保利瑧誉 景观设计 / DDON笛东

宁波保利瑧誉 景观设计 / DDON笛东

宁波保利瑧誉 景观设计 / DDON笛东

宁波保利瑧誉 景观设计 / DDON笛东

宁波保利瑧誉 景观设计 / DDON笛东


Behind the forest is the folded art landscape. Through the forest, we hope that it can coexist and contrast with this plain original forest, with more possibilities of different perspectives.

宁波保利瑧誉 景观设计 / DDON笛东

极简的折叠几何线条营造出藏于自然的艺术气息,净白的墙面 树影阑珊,水影交相。

The minimalist folded geometric lines create an artistic atmosphere hidden in nature. The pure white wall is shaded by trees and the water is shaded by each other.

宁波保利瑧誉 景观设计 / DDON笛东

宁波保利瑧誉 景观设计 / DDON笛东

宁波保利瑧誉 景观设计 / DDON笛东

宁波保利瑧誉 景观设计 / DDON笛东


The calm water reflects the layered spatial layout inside, and the elegant stretch of the surrounding tree canopy. Sunlight, trees, flowers and water in the natural environment coexist with the architectural space.

宁波保利瑧誉 景观设计 / DDON笛东

宁波保利瑧誉 景观设计 / DDON笛东


Camphor forest in the background, shallow water in front and folded white pavilion are interwoven and shaded with each other, and the platforms are interspersed and interwoven, blending and penetrating under the dense trees. Create a scene where modern art and leisure complement nature.

▼转折空间| Space of transition
宁波保利瑧誉 景观设计 / DDON笛东

宁波保利瑧誉 景观设计 / DDON笛东

▼跌水景观| Falling landscape
宁波保利瑧誉 景观设计 / DDON笛东

宁波保利瑧誉 景观设计 / DDON笛东

宁波保利瑧誉 景观设计 / DDON笛东

宁波保利瑧誉 景观设计 / DDON笛东

宁波保利瑧誉 景观设计 / DDON笛东

▼ 施工现场| Site of construction
宁波保利瑧誉 景观设计 / DDON笛东

宁波保利瑧誉 景观设计 / DDON笛东

项目名称:保利 ·瑧誉
甲方团队:阮红婷 陈星


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上一篇 2022-12-12 17:31
下一篇 2022-12-13 11:55


