内蒙古绿地·新里城景观设计 / 意地景观



The American country club that imitates nature with modern landscape language and creates a natural, simple and elegant atmosphere, so that the tired body and mind can be soothed and relaxed in the simplicity of nature. The value of our exploration of the landscape is close to the real nature.

内蒙古绿地·新里城景观设计 / 意地景观

内蒙古绿地·新里城景观设计 / 意地景观

内蒙古绿地·新里城景观设计 / 意地景观

内蒙古绿地·新里城景观设计 / 意地景观

内蒙古绿地·新里城景观设计 / 意地景观



The grasslands of Inner Mongolia and the North American Prairie on the other side of the ocean are in the same latitude. This case fully considers the sense of harmony and integration of landscape and region, draws changes in temperate climate, and implants the birch forest, a spiritually rich plant role. In China, there are four scene spaces: Natural Gate, Qionglin Fushu, Yuanshangfangcao, and Moshang Oasis to explore the simple and natural North American night luxury life.

内蒙古绿地·新里城景观设计 / 意地景观



Nature itself does not need to be pretended, isn’t it beautiful to grow savagely? The natural texture of the scenery wall fully simulates nature, creating a quaint texture, combined with water features to create lightness without. Lost sense of space experience. This is a well-designed transition form that attracts people’s attention. The journey of nature exploration in the north temperate zone begins here.

内蒙古绿地·新里城景观设计 / 意地景观

内蒙古绿地·新里城景观设计 / 意地景观

内蒙古绿地·新里城景观设计 / 意地景观



The natural mood of the birch forest is used to express the wild atmosphere of the space and foliage, as if walking between the mountains and the wild.The uncut primitive mountain stones seem to be randomly placed in the forest. Combined with the springs, the dynamic and static methods make the space more dynamic. In the wilderness, a little bit more showy and gentle. There is peace between square inches.

内蒙古绿地·新里城景观设计 / 意地景观

内蒙古绿地·新里城景观设计 / 意地景观

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内蒙古绿地·新里城景观设计 / 意地景观

内蒙古绿地·新里城景观设计 / 意地景观



Weeds are endless. Walking along the road, we can see that the grassland landscape is concentrated in the project to form a natural grass slope, and the open landscape and undulating sloping landscape create the rough beauty of the atmosphere. See the ingenuity between Zhuopu by the mountains of nature.

内蒙古绿地·新里城景观设计 / 意地景观

内蒙古绿地·新里城景观设计 / 意地景观




I’ve seen all the cars in the world, and I only want one oasis for the rest of my life. To the backcourt, the quaint and natural underwood leisure space will fully display the atmosphere of the American club.Every finish and texture created for it is the highest level of detail, and every turn in space is surprising. The sun shines through the delicate glass bricks and through the sparsely dappled pine forest.

内蒙古绿地·新里城景观设计 / 意地景观

内蒙古绿地·新里城景观设计 / 意地景观

内蒙古绿地·新里城景观设计 / 意地景观

内蒙古绿地·新里城景观设计 / 意地景观

内蒙古绿地·新里城景观设计 / 意地景观

内蒙古绿地·新里城景观设计 / 意地景观


As Aristotle said, “Every field of nature is wonderful.”There is great beauty in the world, but fortunately, humans have a pair of eyes that discover beauty.The value of our exploration of landscape is to be close to real nature.



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上一篇 2019-12-18 14:34
下一篇 2019-12-19 09:32


