江苏昆山康居新城江南片区商业街 / BAU

城中之城 Microcosm


In an attempt to counter the tendencies towards segregation of programs and land-use in current Chinese planning, BAU added a diversity of opportunities for work, housing, recreation and public facilities to the original brief for a shopping centre with restaurants. Consequently, small office/home office (SOHO) accommodation, sports facilities and a community multi-purpose hall have been added to the original brief for retail and restaurants. In short the shopping centre has become a microcosm of the city.

▼远眺,view from distance 江苏昆山康居新城江南片区商业街 / BAU 高度城市化 Hyper-urbanity


These various programs are compressed onto the site to produce a place of hyper-urbanity for the new western extension of Kunshan. This is an urbanity of the super-adjacency of diverse programs which bring unpredictability, behavioral freedom, tolerance and perhaps even the emergence of informal communities.

▼全景轴侧图,axon 江苏昆山康居新城江南片区商业街 / BAU 公共及文化效益 Public and cultural benefits


What would have been a single function shopping precinct suffering from the problems of a segregated planning attitude (eight hours of intense activity followed by periods of 16 hours of emptiness and inactivity – and all that means for urban safety and security), has now become an active and safe place over the complete 24 hour cycle. Shopping, eating, commercial and sporting activity during the day and into the early evening, and local community and SOHO residents’ activitiesduring the evening.

▼全天候人气聚集区,a gathering place for both day and night 江苏昆山康居新城江南片区商业街 / BAU ▼上层居住与底层商业的融合,mixing together the residential and commercial 江苏昆山康居新城江南片区商业街 / BAU 江苏昆山康居新城江南片区商业街 / BAU 建筑形式与周边环境的关系 Relationship of built form to context


The context has typical contemporary Chinese urbanism characteristics: mono-functional land use zoning; large scale fenced blocks surrounded by wide roads; repetition of identical residential slab blocks;; gated residential communities; a lack of designed public open space. This project seeks an antidote to this monotonous context by providing: multi-functional programs (live, work, recreate); small scale pedestrian networks of lanes and paths; a variety of fine grain architecture; alternative, living choices; an array of public open spaces and street edges of human scale; and, in short, potentials to surprise.

▼开放性全民游乐设施,the open spaces for citizens 江苏昆山康居新城江南片区商业街 / BAU 江苏昆山康居新城江南片区商业街 / BAU ▼多种形式的户外休闲环境,public spaces for different uses 江苏昆山康居新城江南片区商业街 / BAU 江苏昆山康居新城江南片区商业街 / BAU 江苏昆山康居新城江南片区商业街 / BAU 功能布局 Program resolution 在本项目功能的布局上,遵循“打造一个双首层建筑”的设计理念。下首层设置商业零售及餐饮,上首层设置各类休闲运动项目以及一个公共社交空间。上下首层皆可通往SOHO办公居住楼以及沿街餐厅。

The program is organized around the concept of two active and safe ground levels. The lower ground level houses the original retail and restaurant spaces. The upper “ground level’ houses the sports facilities and community meeting hall. The SOHO apartment towers and the park edge restaurants can also be accessed from this level.

▼打造双首层建筑, two active and safe ground levels 江苏昆山康居新城江南片区商业街 / BAU ▼上下层皆可与soho和居住区连通,both the upstairs and downstairs parts are connected to the soho and residential 江苏昆山康居新城江南片区商业街 / BAU 江苏昆山康居新城江南片区商业街 / BAU 江苏昆山康居新城江南片区商业街 / BAU ▼上层开放空间与住宅建筑相连,the upper “ground level’ connects to the residential and creates a public meeting place 江苏昆山康居新城江南片区商业街 / BAU 环境可持续设计 Sustainability 考虑到环境可持续性,本项目也在设计上采用了地热交换系统、地下停车库自然通风系统、被动式日照控制系统、透水的景观铺装以及绿色屋顶等,获得了绿色三星建筑认证。

Environmental initiatives include geo-thermal heat exchange; cross ventilated car parking; passive solar control; permeable landscape; and green roofs. It is an accredited MOHD China Green Star building.

▼环境可持续设计分析图,the sustainable design 江苏昆山康居新城江南片区商业街 / BAU 项目位置 Project location


The site is located on the expanding eastern periphery of Kunshan, population 750,000, situated 40km from Shanghai. The building fronts the new Kunshan-Suzhou Boulevard to its south and a secondary road to its west. Bounding the site on the east is high density residential project under construction, and an existing 3ha public park. To the north an office-retail building with fresh food market at ground level.

▼一层平面图,the first floor plan 江苏昆山康居新城江南片区商业街 / BAU ▼二层平面图,the second floor plan 江苏昆山康居新城江南片区商业街 / BAU ▼立面及剖面,section and elevation 江苏昆山康居新城江南片区商业街 / BAU

项目情况: 2015年竣工
地点: 中国,江苏省,昆山
年份: 2009-2015
客户: 昆山城市建设投资发展有限公司
建筑面积: 66, 900平方米
建设投资: 人民币6.37亿
类型: 综合,商业,体育,办公,住宅,餐饮,娱乐,城市景观
功能项目: 零售,餐饮,办公,公寓,SOHO,体育健身中心(室内游泳池,健身房,SPA),多功能厅,地下停车场等
绿色建筑认证: 中国绿色二星建筑
建筑组:James Brearley,方群,林东晖,黄骅,Dirk Uwe Moench,李伟栋,Olga Mladenovic,邹鸿飞,朱秀兰
景观组(仅概念方案设计):黄芳,Alexander Abke,王浩,Robin Armstrong,陈燕玲,王晨磊
施工单位: 天合建设集团有限公司
配合设计院: 苏州市规划设计研究院有限责任公司 3D
渲染: BAU


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