奉贤河滨剧场 建筑设计 / 法国AS建筑工作室


As one of the significant renovation projects of Fengxian Punan Canal, Fengxian Riverside Theater is also an important cultural site of the new vision of Jiangnan landscape planning “YiChuanYanYu”. The Architecture Studio China team participated in the proposal competition for Fengxian Riverfront Theater, and in the final shortlist.

奉贤河滨剧场 建筑设计 / 法国AS建筑工作室

奉贤河滨剧场 建筑设计 / 法国AS建筑工作室


The site is in the core area of the Fengxian New City NanQiaoYuan project, with around 5,800 square meters, and crosses with Punan’s canal landscape area. It is a riverside landmark for the urban planning of Fengxian new city.

奉贤河滨剧场 建筑设计 / 法国AS建筑工作室

“日出江花红胜火,春来江水绿如蓝。”当我们思考如何将传统山水意向与现代新江南景致结合时,南桥古镇的百里运河、田字绿廊、十字水街传递了关于山水自然的答案。延续江河韵的同时, 源于清末民初时期,民间文艺团队山歌班的奉贤本土山歌剧艺术向我们讲述了山歌剧的变迁。山歌剧的演、游、望、赏属性展示着奉贤的本土人文特色, 也成为山歌剧院设计的核心。

When we think about how to combine traditional landscape with modern Jiangnan landscape, the Canal, the square land and the crossing waterway in Nanqiao Ancient Town tell the answer. On the other side, the local opera art “Shange Opera” has been developing since the late Qing Dynasty. From folk art to one of the local cultures. It shows the DNA of Fengxian and become the design concept of Fengxian Riverside Theater.

奉贤河滨剧场 建筑设计 / 法国AS建筑工作室

我们希望在不同维度和尺度上,将奉贤滨河剧院的血液根植于 “南桥源一川烟雨” 的整体规划中。作为现代山歌剧院,我们提出可演、可望、可游、可赏的,全时段开放共享、全民参与多元活力的奉贤未来公共文化建筑。

We hope that Fengxian Riverside Theater will be like the seed and grow up in overall urban planning in different dimensions and scales. As a modern opera house, we propose a future public cultural building with performance, landscape,  wondering(sightseeing), and enjoying. It will be a diverse, sharing, energetic public space.

奉贤河滨剧场 建筑设计 / 法国AS建筑工作室



Fengxian Riverside Theater include two theaters and supporting spaces. The 200-seat theater uses Chinese style as the main design element, through traditional screens and theatrical displays of scenery to create an immersive theatrical experience. The 600-seat theater was designed with a shape of a valley, through the staggered walls and curved ceilings, presenting a different theatrical experience.

奉贤河滨剧场 建筑设计 / 法国AS建筑工作室

奉贤河滨剧场 建筑设计 / 法国AS建筑工作室



The retreat of architecture formed several landscape surfaces, providing people with a variety of interesting three-dimensional garden-sharing spaces. The building height grows up with the landscape and merges into the urban landscape space; From the drama garden to the roof garden restaurant, a whole open, shared, and natural space is finally formed.

奉贤河滨剧场 建筑设计 / 法国AS建筑工作室


We have considered the intensity and efficiency of land. There are two main circulation of the cultural center and the two theaters,  the space is divided into two volumes and forms a shared courtyard in the center. Each functional area is connected by a transporting ring, and separately with its entrance, showing a dependent and shared layout.

奉贤河滨剧场 建筑设计 / 法国AS建筑工作室

奉贤河滨剧场 建筑设计 / 法国AS建筑工作室



The main entrance of the building has a tall entrance foyer, striking dark gray stone, and a reflective golden mesh ceiling that enriches the interaction between light and shadow. There is also a sloped landscape pathway connecting the theater and the outdoors, creating a vivid space experience.

奉贤河滨剧场 建筑设计 / 法国AS建筑工作室



“Zaoyuan”  created a natural garden with a multi-dimensional landscape structure, which continues the landscape on the north bank of the Punan Canal. We would match the theme of urban planning and renovation. Fengxian Riverside Theater also designs as a  public art urban space of modern urban gardens.

奉贤河滨剧场 建筑设计 / 法国AS建筑工作室

奉贤河滨剧场 建筑设计 / 法国AS建筑工作室

奉贤河滨剧场 建筑设计 / 法国AS建筑工作室

奉贤河滨剧场 建筑设计 / 法国AS建筑工作室



Fengxian Riverside Theater is a “multi-functional” cultural building, with diverse user groups and functional combinations. The complexity of the project was a challenge. The building volume design was based on the intensity and efficiency of the site.

奉贤河滨剧场 建筑设计 / 法国AS建筑工作室

主体建筑包含了可容纳200个座位的小剧场和600个座位的中剧场及配套演出辅助空间。结合配套商业补给、餐饮空间。高效的公共流线设计串联文化中心、艺术展厅、山歌剧文化展廊、中小剧场等空间, 形成完整的内部艺术动线。

The main building contains a small-size theater with a capacity of 200 seats, a middle-size theater with a capacity of 600 seats, and supporting space. There are also commercial spaces and catering spaces. Efficient public circulation connects cultural centers, art exhibition halls, Shange Opera galleries, two theaters, and other spaces to a complete internal artistic flow.

奉贤河滨剧场 建筑设计 / 法国AS建筑工作室

奉贤河滨剧场 建筑设计 / 法国AS建筑工作室

奉贤河滨剧场 建筑设计 / 法国AS建筑工作室

设计团队:潘莉、唐加超、Benny CHEN、张德俊、许万里

Lead Architect: Chaojun YING
Design Team: Li PAN, Jiachao TANG, Benny CHEN, Dejun ZHANG,Wanli XU.


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