东莞珠江万科城 景观设计 / BOX盒子实践

东莞珠江万科城 景观设计 / BOX盒子实践


东莞珠江万科城 景观设计 / BOX盒子实践


The project is located in Machong Town, Dongguan, near the Machong River. The current status of the surrounding areas is mostly shipyards and old local residents. The design area is a permanent municipal park and a cross commercial street that connects the residential area.

东莞珠江万科城 景观设计 / BOX盒子实践

▼Site Status/场地现状

The site is close to the future rapid municipal driveway and at the same time is close to the future large area. The overall municipal site is long and narrow, and the original site is concave, with a height difference of nearly 2 meters from the elevation of the municipal planning road.

东莞珠江万科城 景观设计 / BOX盒子实践

东莞珠江万科城 景观设计 / BOX盒子实践


In this design, we integrated the government’s public resources through the use of land art catalysts, with the help of real estate developers’ financial strength, to drive people around to participate together. I hope to better stimulate the vitality of the venue and resonate with people to build a new social network, change people’s lifestyles, and maximize the public interest of the venue.

▼Conceptual evolution/概念演变
东莞珠江万科城 景观设计 / BOX盒子实践

▼Project Strategy/项目思考

In the early stage of design intervention, we thought about many questions, such as: How to undertake the future relationship between municipal planning road and site? How to be compatible with people’s demands for different functions in the venue? How to rebuild a 2 meter U-shaped concave green space between the site and the municipal road? How to solve the traffic and line of sight system in narrow and long site conditions? How to build people’s confidence in the future development of the venue? How to bring the human history of local shipbuilding and camping into the project?

▼Site information/场地信息
东莞珠江万科城 景观设计 / BOX盒子实践

▼Aerial view/项目局部鸟瞰图
东莞珠江万科城 景观设计 / BOX盒子实践

东莞珠江万科城 景观设计 / BOX盒子实践

东莞珠江万科城 景观设计 / BOX盒子实践

东莞珠江万科城 景观设计 / BOX盒子实践

东莞珠江万科城 景观设计 / BOX盒子实践

项目景观融入了珠江与泊船的元素,将狭长的场地条件巧妙结合,以“江- 船”(泊江之船)的理念进行设计诠释。鸟瞰之下,时光“方舟”驶向广阔未来之势,锐不可挡。

The project landscape incorporates the elements of the Pearl River and the boat mooring, ingeniously combines the narrow and long site conditions, and interprets the design with the concept of “Jiang-Ship” (Bojiang Ship). From a bird’s eye view, the “Ark” of time is moving towards a vast future, which is unstoppable.

▼Front space/前场空间


The tall spiritual fortress on the left side of the front entrance of the main entrance is very obvious; in terms of external display, the case name signs are arranged according to people’s viewpoints through different locations and distances, and then combined with soft and hardening techniques to embellish the front field area The focus of sight in different directions

东莞珠江万科城 景观设计 / BOX盒子实践

东莞珠江万科城 景观设计 / BOX盒子实践

东莞珠江万科城 景观设计 / BOX盒子实践

东莞珠江万科城 景观设计 / BOX盒子实践

▼Green Mirror House/绿意镜屋


The design inspiration comes from the infinite mirror house, the introduction of green plants and sunlight, the clever use of the principles of reflection and refraction to create an infinite environment, where everything is endless, split, overlapping… Using the language of design as a municipal function venue Adding an artistic atmosphere, exploring in the mirror house can also create more emotional interconnection between the city and people.

东莞珠江万科城 景观设计 / BOX盒子实践

东莞珠江万科城 景观设计 / BOX盒子实践

东莞珠江万科城 景观设计 / BOX盒子实践

东莞珠江万科城 景观设计 / BOX盒子实践

东莞珠江万科城 景观设计 / BOX盒子实践


The mirror house space under the night combined with the lighting creates a mysterious mood.

东莞珠江万科城 景观设计 / BOX盒子实践

东莞珠江万科城 景观设计 / BOX盒子实践

东莞珠江万科城 景观设计 / BOX盒子实践

▼Multi-function deck/多功能甲板


The shape of this area is like a deck on a ship. The site is close to the municipal expressway, and the ribbon park plays a transitional role, which improves the comfort of surrounding communities, reduces noise, and brings more rest space for the community and surrounding residents. The park covers leisure football pitches, multi-functional stage galleries, art tree square, leisure trails, interesting land art terrain, leisure sun lawns

东莞珠江万科城 景观设计 / BOX盒子实践

东莞珠江万科城 景观设计 / BOX盒子实践

东莞珠江万科城 景观设计 / BOX盒子实践

东莞珠江万科城 景观设计 / BOX盒子实践

东莞珠江万科城 景观设计 / BOX盒子实践

东莞珠江万科城 景观设计 / BOX盒子实践

东莞珠江万科城 景观设计 / BOX盒子实践

▼Future Commercial District/未来商业街区


The commercial plots separated by vehicle lanes are linked with art zebra crossings with guided paving, so that the overall commercial atmosphere of the commercial site is interesting.

东莞珠江万科城 景观设计 / BOX盒子实践

东莞珠江万科城 景观设计 / BOX盒子实践

东莞珠江万科城 景观设计 / BOX盒子实践

▼Green Ark under the night/夜幕下的绿色方舟


The “Ark” under the night is dotted with lights of different brightness at key activities and the focus of sight to provide heart-warming functional lighting for people in this area at different times.

东莞珠江万科城 景观设计 / BOX盒子实践

东莞珠江万科城 景观设计 / BOX盒子实践



In Machong, Dongguan, boat culture, as an important part of the city’s development history, is rooted in the hearts of local people and is a memory and a feeling. This ark was presented to people in the future with Ma Chong’s past. Moored in history, it will definitely sail by the wind.

东莞珠江万科城 景观设计 / BOX盒子实践

东莞珠江万科城 景观设计 / BOX盒子实践

Name | 项目名称: 珠江万科城
Client | 项目业主:东莞万科
Owner Team | 业主团队:
Lanscape Design | 景观设计单位 :
BOX Studio 盒子实践 (BOX博克斯林景观事务所)
纪凤涛  刘样多  赖志昆  骆涛
李海滔  罗瑜  罗丽娟  张桂梅  王曲雯
Architectural Design | 建筑设计单位:
Interior  Design | 室内设计单位:
Sculpture design unit |标识深化单位:
Landscape Construction Unit| 园林景观施工单位
Photography Team |摄影团队:
前方空间摄影 罗志宗
一览视觉设计 林哲聪
Location | 项目地点:广东东莞麻涌镇
Date | 竣工时间:2020.6
Construction Cost | 公园区造价:300元/平方米


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