招商局海南区域总部 景观设计 / 山水比德

招商局海南区域总部  景观设计 /  山水比德

招商局海南区域总部  景观设计 /  山水比德

招商局海南区域总部  景观设计 /  山水比德

招商局海南区域总部  景观设计 /  山水比德

招商局海南区域总部  景观设计 /  山水比德


CHINA MERCHANTS GROUP Hainan Regional Headquarters is located in Xiuying District, Haikou City, Hainan Province. It’s close to the city’s main road, Binhai Avenue and Xiuying Port.superior, with  superior geographical location, and it’s also an important window to display the urban style of Haikou.


Xiuying District takes advantage of the port and gathers resources. It is an international “city meeting room”.There are many passenger logistics centers and office spaces around here, with the help of such excellent regional advantages, we hope this building will become a city-level office business card and present a seaside city with a different style.

招商局海南区域总部  景观设计 /  山水比德

招商局海南区域总部  景观设计 /  山水比德

招商局海南区域总部  景观设计 /  山水比德

招商局海南区域总部  景观设计 /  山水比德

招商局海南区域总部  景观设计 /  山水比德


The green coverage rate of Haikou city reaches 43.5%, and it was selected by the World Health Organization as the first pilot site of “World Health City” in China. The forest feeling of the office is the best tribute to this city.


The building grows in the forest, forming the most unique skyline in the city. Meanwhile,as a tropical city,Haikou has long sunshine hours and a large number of shaded trees to wrap the passage space, which can effectively enhance the comfort of office traffic and give everyone forest-like walking experience.

招商局海南区域总部  景观设计 /  山水比德

招商局海南区域总部  景观设计 /  山水比德

招商局海南区域总部  景观设计 /  山水比德


The two core office buildings have a strong leading role on the site. The simple curtain wall and the linear texture of the facade form a strong sense of interface of the building itself and effectively convey the architectural spirit.The landscape should be a continuation of the building, form an integrated echo with the building, and create a cohesiveness of the office space.

招商局海南区域总部  景观设计 /  山水比德

招商局海南区域总部  景观设计 /  山水比德

招商局海南区域总部  景观设计 /  山水比德


The entrance area borders the main road of the city. We selected 31 Terminalia neotaliala Capuron to form a pure forest boundary, which is also the most direct communication of the design spirit of forest-style office.

招商局海南区域总部  景观设计 /  山水比德

招商局海南区域总部  景观设计 /  山水比德

招商局海南区域总部  景观设计 /  山水比德


The pure planting method of the border creates a sense of welcome of the passage under the forest at the entrance, and the linear pavement has a strong orientation. Perhaps, the office space also needs such a sense of ceremony.

招商局海南区域总部  景观设计 /  山水比德

招商局海南区域总部  景观设计 /  山水比德

招商局海南区域总部  景观设计 /  山水比德


There is a negotiation space between the forests under the tree arrays on both sides. The sunken method effectively isolates the transparency and straightforwardness from the outside, forming a place for communication under the forest where you can stay for a short while after the office, and feel the coolness of the hot summer.

招商局海南区域总部  景观设计 /  山水比德

招商局海南区域总部  景观设计 /  山水比德

招商局海南区域总部  景观设计 /  山水比德

招商局海南区域总部  景观设计 /  山水比德

招商局海南区域总部  景观设计 /  山水比德

招商局海南区域总部  景观设计 /  山水比德

The central axis is the core of the entire office area, connecting the entrances of the two core office buildings and the daily life of the park. The creation of the central axis not only continues the design spirit of the forest office, but also carries the mood of working every day. Therefore, The central axis has the spiritual sustenance of a sense of strength, which can give people a positive force.

我们回归对海岛精神的思考,以绿色森林做为行驶的船身,打造 “绿舟”形态。通过品质水台塑造行驶的动态感,以铺装肌理表达流动的波浪,塑造“绿舟”领航的中轴主题,给予整个办公园区更多精神层面的思考同时也是对海口这个城市的致敬。

We return to thinking about the spirit of the island, take the green forest as the running hull, createing a “green boat” shape. The high-quality water platform creates the dynamic sense of driving, expresses the flowing waves with the pavement texture, and shapes the central axis theme of the “green boat” pilot, which gives the entire office park more spiritual thinking and also pays tribute to the city of Haikou.

招商局海南区域总部  景观设计 /  山水比德


The language of the landscape and the building facade form a whole, reflecting the harmony of the space itself. The linear relationship that runs through the entire venue creates a rigorous sense of order and the integrity of the office atmosphere.

招商局海南区域总部  景观设计 /  山水比德

招商局海南区域总部  景观设计 /  山水比德


The feeling of a forest office experience continues as a whole in the central axis. We use 18 Terminalia neotaliala Capuron to build the shape of the central axis forest “green boat”, While creating a sense of space atmosphere, the waterscape has also become the most recognizable focus of commuting.

招商局海南区域总部  景观设计 /  山水比德

招商局海南区域总部  景观设计 /  山水比德


At the same time, we pay more attention to the experience of people walking through the space, the sence of welcome of the entrance waterscape, the sense of quality of walking through the forest, the sense of detail of the craftsmanship and the sense of carving of the plant space are the most sincere feedback to the office daily.

招商局海南区域总部  景观设计 /  山水比德

招商局海南区域总部  景观设计 /  山水比德

招商局海南区域总部  景观设计 /  山水比德

招商局海南区域总部  景观设计 /  山水比德

招商局海南区域总部  景观设计 /  山水比德

招商局海南区域总部  景观设计 /  山水比德


This project lasted over 3 years. Under the theme of forest-style office, we also paid attention to the carving of space. From the deduction of conceptual sketches to the detailed management and control of the scene, it embodies the continuous output of both parties to the project.

 · ONE ·
  |    中心水景雕塑    |


In order to make the shape of the “green boat” more natural, Stainless steel wire drawing is used as the boat body, and brown metallic paint is used as the texture; In order to make it have a full sense of driving dynamics, the shape  needs to ensure that the water overflows evenly around. The conventional way of replenishing the water tank will make the overflow uneven and difficult to control.Therefore, through communication and calculation with the hydropower designer, we finally decided to cancel the water replenishment tank and only use the water output of the 9 metal water bowls of different sizes in the middle to satisfy the overflow effect.

招商局海南区域总部  景观设计 /  山水比德

· TWO ·
|    铺装标准打样    |


The pavement layout of the office area follows the line elements of the building facade, and adopts a method of mixing two materials in one specification.The entire office adopts a uniform paving module, and the central axis area is the center of the entire site,We used the gradient method and the principle of seam to focus on creating it,While stylish and simple, it also echoes the building facade.

招商局海南区域总部  景观设计 /  山水比德

|   穿孔板打样   |


As the most used item in the venue, the bench needs to be carefully crafted. After more than 10 rounds of communication, typesetting, modeling, and adjusting the aperture size, the plan was finally determined. During processing, 1:1 printing drawings are used as templates, and laser engraving is used to ensure the sense of sequence of this stool.

招商局海南区域总部  景观设计 /  山水比德

招商局海南区域总部  景观设计 /  山水比德

· FOUR ·
|    植物打造    |


In terms of gardening, we communicated with the plant designer at the planning stage, combined with the local climate and plant types,We went to the major seedling farms in Guangdong and Hainan to carefully select plants, and restored the plants to the SU with 1:1 three-dimensional model according to their varieties and specifications. After repeated deliberation in space, we formed the final landing effect.

招商局海南区域总部  景观设计 /  山水比德

招商局海南区域总部  景观设计 /  山水比德

|   甲方说    |





|   乙方说    |






招商局海南区域总部  景观设计 /  山水比德

招商局海南区域总部  景观设计 /  山水比德

招商局海南区域总部  景观设计 /  山水比德



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上一篇 2022-09-04 15:10
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